Friday, July 30, 2010

Final Post :(

well, to all of my (well, ok, to my at least 4 or 5) regular followers, thanks for reading my ramblings. i'm heading home to louisville in about 24 hours, and im spending my time until then just packing and saying my goodbyes.

its been an incredible 2 months that i can't believe are over! I'll be back at vandy in 16 days. time flies!

Thursday, July 29, 2010


last day at work.
writing postcards to friends
scheming ways to avoid the massive thunderstorm outside
excited for the Vandy DC Summer Send-off party tonight
dreading the thought of packing.

thanking myself for the greatest thing ever that has SAVED me this summer in [the ridiculously hot and humid] DC.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Things I've Done Today

Today is my second to last day at work. It's been a busy one! I should be plenty busy today and tomorrow tying up a lot of loose ends and finishing up things at work.

Lilly, the program director from Vanderbilt, is in DC this week visiting all of the organizations that VIEW interns are working at (20 different ones apprx.). She came to visit today at met with Evlyn to discuss me (gulp) and what they look for in an intern for the future. I'm meeting with Lilly tomorrow to discuss my program experience. That'll be a nice opportunity to have.

Monday night- Chop't, Urban Outfitters, and FroZenyo with the roommates were all wonderful. Last night I got dinner with my friend Andrew, who is a counselor at an International Policy camp at AU. It was a bunch of Vandy people and we had a great time. We ate at Good Stuff Eatery, which is a very popular restaurant run by Spike (Former Top Chef contestant!) that is frequented by Hill Staffers.

Tonight is our VIEW send-off dinner, that is actually located next door to Good Stuff. Spike, the head chef/owner, opened up a new restaurant next door- just this Monday! It's receiving a lot of hype and is called We The Pizza. (His other place is burgers/fries/shakes) I can't wait to try it!

Today has been all over the place. I received some really sad news about a friend from school and now have another person to keep in my prayers. I also am in contact with a man who hosts a radio show on public radio in Nashville that discusses sports once a week- he's looking for a co-host and I might be able to get the job! I'm also applying for an internship with Senator Bob Corker in Nashville- but that not might be until the Spring. I already have my job at the Commons Center, have been talking with a friend about getting a PR job with Vandy instead, and now am exploring even more options. Wow, I am exhausted!

Louisville in 4 days!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Week 7

It was hot this weekend.
Liz Furman and I at Jazz in the Garden
Matthew Taylor, Katelyn and I at Jazz in the Garden

Well, another has week gone by!

On Monday, my mentor cancelled on me to get coffee after work (2 times in a row now!) so i went home after work. I invested in frozenyo instead and headed home.

tuesday after work was really exciting- I got to go to a FREE concert at the Kennedy Center, which is a truly beautiful concert hall (sorta similar to the Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts but mostly just in sharing their function). They were having a 3 part series of concerts to raise awareness and support for keeping arts education programs in schools. it was truly wonderful- the show included that National Symphony Orchestra, John Mayer, Smokey Robinson, Harolyn Blackwell [famed opera singer], local choirs and saxophonist, Branford Marsalis. It was a fun show and great to see all of those artists live (even if they dont make too much sense together!) that night i barely made it home in time for pretty little liars (which was awesome!) and then the premiere of Teen Mom. Gheremey and i watch most of the same TV shows so he always accompanies me in the watching of really bad summer programming!

Wednesday after work we had a VIEW speaker, Perry Wallace. He was a Vanderbilt student who graduated with an engineering degree and was the first black SEC athlete. He shared stories of how being black affected his Vandy experience and of all of the adversity he faced on campus and on the court. He has since become a lawyer and teaches at GW law school. Very impressive man and it was great to hear him speak to us.

Thursday after work I took the metro to Tenlytown and got dinner at a mexican place called Guapos. I wasn't a huge fan of the restaurant itself, but it was a great group of people! Liz, Maria, Michael Kariya, and Mary Beth, Liz's friend who i've met before, were all there and it was nice after a particularly bad day at work. Afterwords we wandered around the Bethesda area and stopped by Georgetown Cupcake (they have multiple locations) before heading home.

Friday went by a bit faster at work, and after work i met up with Liz, Maria, Katelyn, Jill and Matthew at the National Gallery Sculpture Garden for Jazz in the Garden, which is a free jazz concert they host every friday in the summer. While it was squelching hot (100 degrees, felt like 107+) we brought plenty to drink and big blankets and found some shade near a big sculpture. Nothing like good music, art and friends to wind down after a long work week. We ate at home afterwards and hung out with friends for an overall low-key night.

Saturday, Katelyn, Jill and I went to the Hirshhorn Modern/Contemporary [yes, they're entirely different] Art Gallery & Sculpture Garden and looked through their collection. It was really interesting and they had a phenomenal exhibit on Yves Klein. We then ran across the mall to the National Gallery of Art to visit their massive gift shop and get stationary, so we can all write thank you notes to our offices.

Then we went to China Town and got Chop't as a late lunch/early dinner which is one of our favorite places to eat. I wish they had it in nashville! after a yummy salad, we went home, showered from being in the oppressive heat for so long, and then met up with zack and gheremey and went to see Inception. It was a PHENOMENAL movie. I havent seen a movie that stimulated that much thought, questioning, and analysis in recent memory. I would highly recommend the film to anyone who wants an thrilling, thought-provoking film. In addition, Leonardo Dicaprio is yummy.

Sunday we tanned and swam on the rooftop pool and took it easy. Then we had a suite dinner once katie woke up from her nap and had grilled chicken, potatoes, broccoli and applesauce (homemmade applesauce from katelyn's grandma!) Afterwards Gheremey and Zack came over and watched True Blood. All in all, a busy and fun week and weekend.

Only a few days left at work. Tonight the roomies are meeting at Chop't for dinner then shopping across the street at Urban Outfitters. Tomorrow the office is taking me out to lunch since it's my last week. Wednesday, Lilly, our Vanderbilt program director, is coming to meet with Evlyn (she's in town this week and meeting with someone at every internship) Thursday is my last day at work! I'll pack Friday and say my goodbyes, and I'll be home late on Saturday night.

Wow, the time flies! Home to Louisville in 5 days and moving into Vandy in 20 days!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Updated Blog gadgets!

I added a twitter feed on the blog, as well as a few other gadgets.

Below each post now there are buttons you can click to easily email, twitter, or facebook any post you want to share.

also, i added hyperlinks to most of my posts so anything i mention you can click to be linked to more information about it! Also, there is a better search bar so you can find things within my posts.

Happy reading!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Week #6!

Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery
Daniel Givens and I
"Improvisation 31 (Sea Battle)", Wassily Kandinsky
"Woman With A Parasol (Madame Monet & Child)", Claude Monet

Hard to believe I only have 2 weeks left here in DC! Bittersweet for certain, as I really really love being here.

This past week was great and a lot went on! I definitely dont waste much time here in the city.

Monday after work I took my Mac into the Apple store to get looked at, as it's had problems since November and now since i'm forced to have 2 accounts it is literally out of space (minor problem!!). Basically, i have to wipe out my entire computer and start over again- thankfully i have a backup harddrive and will do this as soon as i get home. im just glad to have an answer as to how to fix it after many an hour spent in the Apple store. i LOVE my mac but have been issue ridden with it for awhile.

Wednesday i met Maria and her big Kelley in Bethesda for dinner. We went to a really wonderful Malaysian restaurant called Penang and i had a really yummy dish that i didnt really know what i was eating- but that was ok because it was really tasty! After that we wandered around Bethesda for a bit and then went home- it takes about an hour on the metro to get to pentagon city from bethesda so i had to get home.

Thursday was amazing- I got to leave work at 1 and go to CNN for a tour with the VIEW group. It. was. so. cool. i think the tour would have been great regardless, since a really prominent CNN producer {Vandy Alum} gave us the tour. However, we got lucky and were there the day that the news broke about the oil spill potentially being capped. Therefore, the whole place was buzzing and scrambling to change their entire evening programming. Not only did we get to sit in on both main control rooms, we got to stand on set next to Wolf Blitzer while he was live on air for The Situation Room. We were introduced to Wolf, the two experts (former congress members) on the show and many other prominent people. it was truly amazing and made me want to reconsider going into media for a career. I have missed being in a fast paced environment!

After the tour we went to a bar/pub for dinner with the group and then went home. Friday I was 'sick' to work (hey, i'm unpaid after all and had a legitimate excuse) and went with Jill, Katelyn, Gheremey, Rohan, and Courtney to the Arlington Federal Court House. It's easily the nicest courthouse in the country and we got to go because Jill & Gheremey's mentor is amazing. He's a lawyer and really cares about us having a great DC experience, so we got to sit in on 3 actual trials that were really fascinating. He then took us all out to lunch and disccues grad school with us, amongst many other things. It was a really fun morning. In the afternoon, Katelyn, Rohan and I went to Arlington National Cemetery. I remembered it really well from the last time I visited but it was still so impressive. We saw the Kennedy grave site (now with the addition of Ted Kennedy), the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (and we saw the changing of the guard!), and Robert E. Lee's house. The view from the top of the hill where Lee's house is is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. We got to tour the whole house and it was a really great afternoon- if not meltingly hot.

That night we went to the grocery and then Katelyn, Jill, Matthew, Rohan and I went to Urban Thai and had Thai food (after my food poisoning incident some weeks ago i was just ready to have it again) which was yummy, and then we came back to our place and baked cookies and watched Wedding Crashers. I was definitely exhausted after a long day but it was a lot of fun and definitely worth it.

Saturday we were supposed to have a VIEW service project but that turned into a bit of a debacle...but that's an entirely different story. katelyn was with her mom for the day and Jill and I went to the rooftop pool and laid out for awhile. I got a lot of my book read (currently reading The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand) and got to talk to Laura on the phone!! Then Jill and I watched The Hangover and hung out for a bit. That night, Daniel Givens came over (he was in town for the weekend) as did Maria, and we all went to Hawk & Dove, which is a really popular bar/club near the Captiol for interns and people our age. It was a fun night and it was great to see Daniel and Maria.

Yesterday I spent about 6 hours in the National Gallery of Art and i have to say i cant remember when i've been happier. I went to a (free!) lecture entitled, "Kindred Spirits: Rothko & Kandinsky" on Abstract Expressionist Mark Rothko and the much earlier Kandinsky. It was really fascinating and so cool that it was free and so available to the public. The gallery was nothing short of incredible and i could easily spend DAYS there. I was basically blissfully happy. Then i went back and the 3 girls (katie was out of town for a wedding this weekend) cooked burgers, green beans, fries and corn on the cob and had gheremey over for dinner. it was a really nice time and then we all watched True Blood together- our favorite show!

Now, time for week 7 at work. hard to believe its all almost over!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Weekend with Meghan!!!

Georgetown Cupcake! They have a show on TLC now!
AOII girls reunite for dinner in U-Street Corridor
Meghan and I at the Lincoln Memorial
WWII Memorial

Wow, what a great and busy weekend! I was so busy that i never really got a chance to relax, but that's ok because it was so much fun. Friday after work I met up with Jill, Katleyn, Liz, Matthew and other Vandy students at a bar for a Happy Hour Ivy League Mixer. I met some nice people and it was fun to mingle with other interns. The funniest part was that the bar where we were at , The Reserve, was being boycotted! The workers were outside picketing the bar/restaurant for unpaid wages. I've never had to cross a picket line before- but i did! It was really funny and very unusual at the same time.

Friday night the suite girls went to 930 club in the U Street Corridor, where they had a Lady Gaga-MIA-Madonna night. Every song was one of those 3 artists. It was a really fun girls night, and then we crashed and woke up the next morning and Meghan arrived!! Meghan lives in Baltimore so her drive was about an hour, and she stayed until Sunday afternoon. We went and did the monuments (where Meghan graciously allowed me to ramble like i do so often) and then got lunch at Zorbas, a really yummy Greek place in Dupont Circle. We wandered around that area for a bit and then shopped around in Pentagon City Mall by my metro stop. Then we went to Busboys & Poets, near my work in Columbia Heights/U Street and met up with some of our other wonderful AOII sisters! Liz, Kelley, Maria, Meghan and I had a wonderful dinner. Busboys and poets is a wonderful place that is part bookstore, part coffee house/part performance space and part restaurant. It is quickly becoming one of my favorite places in DC!! After that, Meghan and I went and saw Twilight: Eclipse (pause for obligatory groan) but for my A) low expectations and B)understanding of the cheesy, poorly written script, it was definitely entertaining. I think the movies are definitely getting better, even if i still really dislike the idea of sparkly vampires :)

Sunday Meghan and I went to Georgetown and shopped around, and also went to the famous Georgetown Cupcake! It was super yummy and I had a delicious Chocolate-Coconut cupcake. TLC is starting a reality show on the store in the next few weeks and the line is always wrapped around the door. It was cool to see! After that, we met up with my friend Brian! Brian and I always seem to run into each other. We did speech together in high school, and Brian lives in Nashville but goes to Georgetown. Usually I see him when he's on Vandy's campus, but it was awesome to see him in DC!

Meghan left after our afternoon in Georgetown, and Katelyn drove the 4 suitemates + Maria (my roommate for this upcoming year who just arrived in DC for July-August) to her house in Baltimore where we had a really wonderful summer BBQ with her whole family. it was so nice to have a home cooked meal and get to sit outside with a big group of people and just hang out. it reminded me a lot of our family nights on the river at home and made me miss everyone! But it was a great time.

This week, Evlyn is on vacation in Los Angeles, and Anita is gone for most of the week as well. Since Michelle apparently fell down stairs this weekend, she isn't in today either. So, it's just Cara and I in the office (which is weird, even thought I really like her). Not too much going on here in the office! I'm just crossing my fingers that the rain will hold off until I can get home safely!